Poetry by Sonny 2nd Edition
Nothing Devastated | Fear of Flying | Plastic Fantastic | Love is ..... | Dark Intentions, Desparate Ambitions *new* | Daisies *new* | Rant and Rave | breadbox opens *new*

Original Poetry and more ...

Reality is. Our perceptions may differ, but they cannot change reality. Deep thoughts indeed. But that is not the end all and be all of this page. I will try to reflect some small part of myself to you. I write poetry now and then. This site serves as a repository for some of my work. Praise or criticize my writing as suites your taste. Give me a thought on how you perceive your reality. Feel free to yell at the monitor all you like, but for me, reading your e-mail would work better.

Take a look at Rant and Rave. This will be a fun place to visit often. Rant & Rave updated 04/05/2002. Come back for new additions soon.

As I sit here making a new page, my head is spinning. Life is a real trip. People are troublesome, or entertaining, depending on your outlook at the moment. My thoughts are rather random at the moment. Come back latter and I'll add something clever here. Also, if you can come up with a catchy new title for this site, I'm all ears. I'll even write a poem for / about you if I use it. If you ask I'll write a poem for you or about you. Just drop me a line.

Feel free to send me your comments. Please take a moment to look at the rest of the site. Poems will be rotated in and out of the site periodically, so check back often.

Click here to email me !!!